In Tennessee, computer fraud involves the access of a computer or phone system to illegally obtain money or property.  It also involves the access of a computer or telephone without the consent of the person who has legal access to the devices.

Convictions can result in jail time, forfeiture of property and restitution. If the value of the stolen property or service is valued over $500, the crime is a felony.

Computer offenses are complex. If you face charges, you need an experienced Computer Fraud Attorney to protect your rights. James R. Owen has the expertise to defend you.

Computer fraud charges could result if you are arrested on suspicion of:

  • Obtaining money, property, or services through fraud.
  • Causing computer data to be false in order to obtain money, property, or services through fraud.
  • Altering an electronic financial transaction in order to disrupt, alter, misappropriate or commit fraud.
  • Accessing any computer or network or allowing anonymous access to a secured network.
  • Altering, destroying, tampering or disrupting the operation of any computer or network.
  • Introducing malware or other malicious input.
  • Tampering with computer security devices.
  • Making unauthorized (pirated) copies of computer data or software.



Anyone who intentionally accesses a computer, computer system or network without consent commits a Class C misdemeanor.

Anyone who intentionally introduces malicious input (such as a virus) or is responsible for introducing malicious input is guilty of a Class B misdemeanor.

Hacking into a computer or a computer system is a Class A misdemeanor, when someone intentionally accesses computer software or a computer network for the purpose of maliciously gaining access to a computer or to tamper with security devices.

It is a Felony when someone illegally accesses a computer or network to obtain money, property services or to commit an act of terrorism. It is also a felony offense if the damage is greater than $500.

James R Owen is your computer fraud attorney. He will investigate the evidence and build a strong defense for you.

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