In Tennessee, Robbery is defined as the intentional or knowing theft of property from the person, without the consent of the victim. It is usually theft by violence or by putting the person in fear.

Robbery is a felony. You need the best defense to research your case and protect your rights. James R. Owen and his team are here to help you.

Robbery includes everything from purse snatchings, crimes against people such as taxi and limo drivers, attacks on victims using ATM’s, to carjacking and armed robbery.

The penalties are decided on the severity of the crime.

Simple Robbery is a Class C felony punishable by 3-15 years in prison and up to $10,000 in fines.

Aggravated Robbery charges can be filed if the accused uses a dangerous weapon or attempts to kill or inflict serious injury. Aggravated robbery charges can result if a deadly weapon is shown or if an attacker shows something that appears to be a deadly weapon or when a victim suffers serious bodily injury during a robbery.

Aggravated robbery is a Class B felony. A Class B felony could result in between 8-30 years in prison and/or a fine of up to $25,000.

Robbery is prosecuted as a state crime in most cases. But when it involves a financial institution, the crime falls under federal jurisdiction. Robberies that involve interstate commerce, such as trucking and shipping are also under federal jurisdiction.

The court will assess the value of the stolen property along with the tactics and level of violence to determine the sentence. Judges also consider the criminal record of the accused in determining the sentence.  In addition to jail time and fines, a conviction may also involve restitution and community service.

If you are charged with robbery, you need a lawyer who will look for mitigating factors to help your case. Contact James R. Owen. He will determine the best course of action and work to resolve your case with the best possible outcome.

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